Student & Supervisor Testimonial: StyleCoop Remote Work

"This internship has absolutely changed my life. I gained a sense of confidence that I was trying to gain all throughout high school." - Nicole

San Miguel CWSP Partner and Connecticut based startup, is offering real-world work experience to San Miguel student, Nicole.

"Our remote student intern has helped with a range of tasks from product upload, retouching images with Photoshop, creating social media content in Canva, designing emails in Klavyio, and writing blog posts on a wide range of topics related to eco-friendly living and self-care.

We are thrilled to give back by supporting the digital education of a young woman, preparing her for the working world. Nicole is naturally inclined to marketing and e-commerce and has picked up the skillset very fast! These skills will be of great benefit to her as she starts her future career in marketing or decides to launch a business."

Watch the video here. Learn more about San Miguel's Corporate Work Study Program here or become a partner here.