Supervisors Corner: October

Happy fall!

It is hard to believe that the Corporate Work Study Program has been in session for two months already this school year. Each day we are reminded of our gratitude for our corporate partners as they mentor, teach, and provide on-the-job training to SMHS student-workers.

Students are gaining new experiences daily, and our corporate partners are continuously looking for ways to increase student opportunities. This year students are surveying customers via phone, working in labs, supporting companies remotely, transporting hospital patients, and much more! Thank you for opening doors for our students.

We enter into the fall season filled with gratitude for our partners as we gradually recover from job losses, a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. We continue to seek more workplace opportunities for students, as approximately 60 students await a CWSP placement. If you are interested in growing your workplace team, please contact me.

Thank you for all you do.

Warm Regards,

Samantha Miller


CWSP Operations