Supervisor's Corner


I am happy to say that the first week back for our student-workers was a successful beginning to what I anticipate to be a great semester. Although proud of the accomplishments of the last year, the San Miguel CWSP team is even more excited about the opportunities 2022 will bring. New partnerships, continued student deployments, and the launch of a Career Readiness and Employability course for freshmen and sophomore workers are just a few of the exciting happenings we are looking forward to in the coming months. 


As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to impact our daily lives, health and safety measures are still a priority for San Miguel High School’s staff, students, and faculty. SMHS maintains accordance with the recommendations of the Pima County Health Department, and with our screening and hygiene practices, we continue to safely deploy students to their workplaces. 


I am grateful for your continued support, creativity, and feedback. Feedback is an incredible tool that our team uses often to better assist our student-workers as they continue to improve and develop their workplace skills. At the end of December, each supervisor received a mid-year survey that provides invaluable data for the SMHS CWSP team. Please take a moment to fill out this survey if you oversee student-workers at your job site.

I look forward to our work together this year!