Spotlight on: Maria Aguilera

Maria Aguilera teaches 10th Grade Geometry and Algebra 2. 

Let's learn a little bit more about Maria!
Maria hails from Houston, TX

In her spare time Maria likes to play soccer, read books from the Library, and enjoys painting and doing arts and crafts. 

Like many of us, Maria has many favorite foods! 
Here are the top 4: 
  • Salvadorian Pupusas
  • Tacos
  • French Fries
  • Ramen

Maria graduated from Vanderbilt University for her undergraduate coursework, where she studied Secondary Education and Mathematics and specialized in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages. Currently, Maria is attending Notre Dame for a Masters in Education. 

Maria commented, “the ACE program gives first year teachers the opportunity to live in community for two years as we serve the schools in the cities we live in. We are able to have both professional and spiritual support through our communities, and have a place to come home to after a long day at work. In our communities, we all are aware of what each other's day at work looks like.

Though we serve at very diverse school settings, we are able to support one another in our growth as educators for those we serve. We come home after a long work day and spend intentional time throughout the week praying as a community and eating as a community. 

This time is intentionally set aside before we arrive at our cities in order to make sure that throughout our week, community time remains constant. My community has been a strong support system for me this past year, and I am incredibly blessed to share this experience with them.” 

Before moving to Tucson in July 2021, Maria taught 9th grade math in 202 at a public high school in Nashville, TN. 

I love the focus on the community at San Miguel. Ever since my arrival, I have been welcomed with open arms and constantly supported in my work and my transition to living in a new city. Every time I pass someone in a hallway, I am met with a smile and kind greeting. The students are invested in their relationships with one another and the staff at the school. Seeing them find comfort at school and name the individual pieces of their support system at San Miguel brings me joy. School should be a place where students feel safe and comfortable enough to grow and explore who they want to be - San Miguel is a place where I think students feel this way.