Pomp & Sponsorship

We are so grateful to the generosity of our donors who help make these job placements possible.

The Lasallian District of San Francisco New Orleans sponsors eight SMHS student workers, allowing them to intern at two different Catholic Primary Schools in Tucson; Our Mother of Sorrows Pre-School and St. John the Evangelist Catholic School.

Chris and Hank Shea
Chris and Hank Shea sponsor four student workers at the Community Food Bank, as well as two student workers at the University of Arizona College of Law IT Department. 

Ventana Charitable Foundation 
The Ventana Charitable Foundation makes it possible for SMHS to place three student workers at the Community Foundation of Southern Arizona. 
SMHS Senior Dominic LG has a CWSP position at American Red Cross and Freshman Jesus J is sponsored to partake in a special MS Excel cohort. Both positions were made possible by Desert Diamond Casinos. 

The University of Arizona Business Affairs Department sponsors two of our SMHS seniors currently working at the UA campus; one within the UA College of Engineering Optical Sciences Department and the other working with the Undergrad Law Program within the UA College of Law. 

Microsoft's generosity allows two student workers to be placed with Junior Achievement of Arizona (Southern District). 

C. Rainbow //  
The job placements of our two student workers at the Girls Scouts of Southern AZ are made possible by two separate donors, RCM & C. Rainbow.

Dick Keiler &  Tommilee Phillips
SMHS senior,  Carley C has a CWSP position at Emerge Center Against Domestic Abuse made possible by Dick Keiler and Tomilee Phillips.